An excellent example of the ingenuity and the multitude of uses that man can create from our natural resources. About 98% of iron ore is used to make steel. Major producers of iron ore include Australia, Brazil, Russia and India. ron ore Mining, beneficiating and preparing iron ore and manganiferous ores, producing sinters and other agglomerates are the major phases in iron ore mining industry.
We are an India based iron ore export company and pleased to offer Iron ore and other minerals at very competitive prices. The salient feature of Vijaya iron ore is its low content of sulphur, phosphorous, alumina and other deleterious elements. Magnetite content of the ore has an added advantage in that it requires relatively less energy for sintering and pelletisation when compared with other types of iron ore.
Among the mineral producers, Vijaya mineral exports is the country's 100% Export Oriented Unit located in state of Karnataka, India. IBM - Indian Bureau of Mines says that this mining plant is known as 'Jewel of mines' located in India.